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Hannah Kabelka

Global Health

With a background in education policy, Hannah Kabelka is an enthusiastic sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) advisor and researcher at the KIT Royal Tropical Institute. Her focus is on youth, SRHR and comprehensive sexuality education. Within KIT projects, she steers the use of innovative and participatory research methods and facilitates learning and co-creation processes with students and partners.

Prior to joining KIT, Hannah worked as project manager in the non-formal education sector in Austria, engaged in gender policy analysis with the UNESCO IIEP in Buenos Aires and created online learning journeys for War Child Holland.

Hannah believes in feminist and rights-based approaches in which the challenges and priorities of those affected are at the core. She is skilled in qualitative and mixed-method approaches, works flexibly and accurately and is a critical thinker who brings a clear and strategic mindset to analyse details while keeping track of the whole picture.


  • Share-Net International: The Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Platform’s focus is on strengthening the role knowledge can play in developing evidence-based policies and practices for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It also ensures that resources are used strategically, including in relation to the four core areas of Dutch policy on SRHR: Achievements Since its inception, Share-Net International has been implementing […]

  • Extending Safe Abortion Advocacy with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

    • Institute
    • Project

    Since April 2019, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) has worked with ten of its member associations – that is, national societies of obstetrics and gynaecology – to become key actors in safe abortion advocacy and national leaders in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women. The project envisioned reaching its […]

  • Young people’s perspectives on school-based sexuality education

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute is conducting a study, commissioned by UNESCO, on young people’s perspectives on school-based education for health and well-being, including sexuality education. Sexuality education has major positive health and social outcomes for adolescents and young people. Yet, research that focuses on their experiences with such education remains limited. KIT Institute is partnering with young […]

  • A qualitative meta-analysis of the Theatre for a Change methodology in 12 countries worldwide

    • Institute
    • Project

    Between December 2022 and May 2023 Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) conducted a qualitative meta-analysis for Theatre for a Change (TfaC) . The overall objective was to explore what effects TfaC programmes have on individuals, groups, and communities when used as a behaviour change and advocacy tool for SRHR, and which elements of the TfaC methodology contribute to these changes. Theatre for a Change (TfaC) […]

  • Break Free ! Les jeunes défendent leur santé et leurs droits sexuels et reproductifs

    • Institute
    • Project

    La santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) sont essentiels au développement sain des jeunes, mais beaucoup d’entre eux doivent trouver leur chemin avec des informations inexactes, un accès limité aux services de santé et des normes sexospécifiques néfastes qui empêchent les filles d’avoir leur mot à dire dans les décisions qui les concernent. […]

  • Break Free! – Young people advocate for their sexual and reproductive health and rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are critical to the healthy development of young people, but many young people must find their way with inaccurate information, poor access to health services, and harmful gender norms that prevent girls from having a say in decisions that affect them. In many African countries, young girls face […]

  • Power To You(th)

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Power to You(th) programme focuses on harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and child marriage, sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and unintended pregnancies. All of these are persistent ‘key issues’ where insufficient progress has been made in recent years. Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the programme is led by […]



  • Back to the Street

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    • News

    How social distancing is affecting regulated sex work in the Netherlands By Hannah Kabelka, KIT Junior Advisor The international community has often looked up to the Dutch government’s progressive approach to making sex work both visible and legal. But the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the landscape for Dutch sex workers and laid bare four uncomfortable […]

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  • Setting the stage: facilitating evidence-informed advocacy to end child marriage in Zambia

    • Institute
    • Blog

    “At KIT we see participatory research that directly feeds into evidence-informed lobby and advocacy as a win-win. It allows researchers and advocates to jointly broaden our perspectives and helps lobby and advocacy to focus on actions with the biggest potential for change.” (Pam Baatsen, Senior SRHR advisor at KIT) In our role as knowledge partner […]

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