Jaap Voeten
- Department
- Inclusive Food Systems
- Title
- Senior Advisor
- Phone
- + 31 20 568 8257
- j.voeten@kit.nl
- Visit LinkedIn profile
Jaap Voeten (PhD) has 20 years of research and consultancy experience in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation in agribusiness/manufacturing in small producers’ contexts in low-income country contexts. His educational background and extensive fieldwork experience in Africa and Asia have provided him with a combined set of academic, professional skills for hands-on technical assistance and project leadership/coordination.
Within KIT, he is currently managing a number of mixed-method impact evaluation projects on responsible business conduct. In particular, he assists companies to develop a variety of quantitative and qualitative tools for assessing the inclusiveness of their supply chains, which in turn contributes to the livelihoods of smallholder farming households.
Final Evaluation of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile
The Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT) was signed in July 2016 to support companies in implementing due diligence, develop joint activities and projects, and ultimately address adverse social, environmental and animal welfare challenges in supply chains. This evaluation aims to assess the qualitative and quantitative progress achieved in relation to the AGT’s […]