Julie Newton
- Department
- Gender
- Title
- Senior Advisor
- Phone
- +31 (0)20 568 8527
- J.Newton@kit.nl
Julie Newton (PhD) is a gender geographer with over 15 years’ experience in applied research in agriculture, food security, nutrition, social protection, sustainable communities, child rights, labour rights and wellbeing. She has worked on qualitative components of impact evaluations as well as the design of monitoring, evaluation and learning systems. At KIT, she has worked on gender capacity strengthening and coaching, applied knowledge work, technical support for gender integration in program design, MEL and research and evaluations.
Gender Integration and Intersectionality in Food Systems Research for Development
Research article
This Guidance Note highlights key points for gender integration in the research for development (R4D) project cycle. It uses an intersectional lens to recognise how aspects of social identity such as age or life stage, class, caste, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation and so forth crosscut and shape gender and power. It provides an overall introduction, guide and set of signposts to help […]
Strengthening fisheries resources management through more inclusive fisheries management bodies, and economic resilience
Reflections on the Sea of Change project This learning report describes the processes involved in implementing a tailor made gender integration approach based on capacity development, technical assistance, and action learning involving unpacking the project’s Theory of Change from a gender perspective. Qualitative fieldwork and a series of reflection workshops generated the findings presented in […]
- Year of publication
- 2022
Amplifying young women’s voices: Gender Transformative MEL in the YW4A programme
The Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy, and Accountability (YW4A) programme envisages young women in Egypt, Kenya, Palestine and South Sudan enjoying their rights to dignity, bodily integrity and equal participation in decision-making towards gender-just laws, policies and norms. This brief showcases KIT operationalization of Gender Transformative Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (GTMEL) by summarizing the […]
Assessment of the social impact of GAA’s ‘Best Aquaculture Practices’ certification
Research article
This report reflects the findings and recommendations of a three-year impact assessment gauging the effectiveness of the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program’s social and labor requirements. The study was commissioned by the Global Aquaculture Alliance in line with recent efforts to provide support to auditors to assess compliance on the labour and social […]
A gendered aquaculture value chain analysis in northwestern Bangladesh
Research article
This document presents a value chain study, through an integrated gender lens, of the aquaculture sector in Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions in northwestern Bangladesh. The aim was to generate a knowledge base to inform project interventions as well as provide broad baseline information regarding chain composition and both social (including gender) and economic performance. The […]
What do participatory approaches have to offer the measurement of empowerment of women and girls?
Working Paper
This paper provides insights and guidance on the value of participatory approaches for understanding and measuring empowerment of women and girls and grounding measurement in the lives and perspectives of women and girls. The paper aims to inspire practitioners, M&E specialists and policy makers working on the measurement of empowerment of women and girls in […]
Inclusive Business Models for Access to Quality Fish Seed and Technical Assistance
Briefing paper
Insights from Ghana Over the past decade, Ghana’s tilapia farming has experienced tremendous growth in production; however, much of the growth has been driven by large-scale cage farmers around Lake Volta. It remains unclear how this growth is and can be made more inclusive of poor and young women and men. This study was conducted […]
- Year of publication
- 2020
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Cross-country synthesis
This synthesis report forms part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC)1 by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB), comprising (i) sector agreements on IRBC, (ii) frameworks for private sector instruments, (iii) Dutch Embassy activities, (iv) international cooperation and legislation, and (v) […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Bangladesh Report
This report is the result of a case study conducted in Bangladesh as part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB). The Bangladesh case study aimed to evaluate how different Dutch IRBC policy instruments manifest […]
Implementing Gender Transformative Approaches in Agriculture
The European Commission project, “Taking gender transformative approaches to scale for impact on SDG2 – food security, nutrition and agriculture” aims to embed Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) in policy dialogue, programs and working modalities of the United Nations Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs). It will do this by strengthening understanding of GTAs of relevant staff and partners; […]
What Gets Measured Matters
A Method’s Note for Measuring Women and Girl’s Empowerment This Methods Note has been developed in partnership with and for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is the product of close collaboration between The Equality Institute (EQI), the foundation Gender Equality Team, and program staff of the foundation, building off research and analysis conducted […]
A decision-support tool for the design of food & nutrition security programming
Food & nutrition security is an important policy goal for national governments in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Government policy makers, donors and other key actors are confronted with the complexity of factors that influence food security. These factors originate from different levels, from macro-economy and national policy, to a diversity of local actors. This complexity […]
What do participatory approaches have to offer the measurement of empowerment of women and girls
How development programmes choose to measure the empowerment of women and girls impacts whether an intervention ultimately contributes to or impedes their empowerment. In this paper, KIT Royal Tropical Institute provides insight and guidance on the value of participatory approaches, those that ground the measurement of empowerment in the lives and perspectives of women and […]
Gender strategy: African Chicken Genetic Gains program
The African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) program is an Africa-wide collaboration led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) with diverse stakeholders including universities, national research institutes and private sector partners in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania. ACGG tests and makes available high producing, farmer preferred genotypes that increase smallholder chicken productivity in Africa. ACGG works […]
Executive Summary: enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways
This document provides an executive summary of a larger report on “Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways: key insights from a gender analysis of impact evaluation design”. See main report for detail on references and recommendations, including links to additional resources and the promising approaches.
Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-to-nutrition pathways
This paper dives into past impact evaluations of nutrition sensitive agricultural programs to unpack the different approaches to how they analysed women’s empowerment. It focuses on evaluation objectives, evaluation design methodologies and choice of indicators. The paper applies a women’s empowerment lens to agricultural-nutrition pathways framework to understand how nutrition sensitive programs addressed women’s role […]
White Paper: Conceptual model of women and girls’ empowerment
What does empowerment of women and girls mean? The White Paper that was developed as the first component of this project sought to address this question. A conceptual model on empowerment of women and girls was developed in close partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The model aims to provide conceptual clarity and […]
Making Social Protection Gender Sensitive for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
In recent years, social protection has climbed up the policy agenda as a major policy response to chronic poverty and vulnerability with positive impacts on food security, income and access to basic services. In SubSaharan Africa, persistent levels of poverty and inequality, unemployment and underemployment, and a high degree of labour market informality have encouraged […]
Other publications
- Newton, J. (2020) Gender, Nutrition and food system approaches: what can be learned from the past? (Routledge Gender and Agriculture Handbook)
- Flink, I., Mur, R., Newton, J., Kruijssen, F. & Rappoldt, A. (2019) Study on understanding participation of young Farmer Entrepreneurs in Agribusiness in Mindanao, Philippines.
- Newton, J., Verhart, N. & Bake, A. (2018) Enhancing the effectiveness of agriculture-nutrition pathways: key insights of gender analysis of impact evaluations . Full text available here
- Van Eerdewijk, A, Wong,F, Vast, C., Newton, J & Tyszler, M. (2016). WhitePaper: a Conceptual Model on Empowerment of Women and Girls. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Full text available here
- Danielsen, K. and Newton J (2017) Gender strategy for African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) program. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Full text available here
- Newton, J. (2016) Making social protection gender sensitive for inclusive development in sub-saharan Africa, INCLUDE Knowledge Platform for inclusive development policies. Full text available here
- Save the Children (2014) Photovoice: Needs assessment manual: 10 simple steps to facilitate children’s participation . Full text available here
- Newton, J. & Ponting, C. (2013) “Eliciting young people’s views on wellbeing through contemporary science debates in Wales”, Child Indicators Research, 6:1, 71-95 Abstract available here
- SAFE (2012) Living on the Edge: is the minimum wage enough? The struggle of the shrimp and fish processing workers in Bangladesh (SAFE: Bangladesh)
- Newton, J., Franklin, A, Middleton, J. & Marsden, T. (2012) “(Re-)negotiating access: researching skills and knowledge for sustainable communities”, Geoforum(43:3), 585-594 Full text available here
- Hicks, S. & Newton, J., Haynes, J. & Evans, J.(2011) “Measuring children’s and young people’s wellbeing”, Office of National Statistics Report,(Office of National Statitistcs, Cardiff University) Full text available here
- Newton, J. & Parfitt, A. (2011) “Striving for mutuality in research relationships: the value of participatory action research principles” in Franklin, A. & Blyton, P. Researching Sustainability: social science methods practice and engagement (Earthscan: London) Full text available here
- Newton, J. (2011) “Gender mainstreaming as a pathway towards empowerment: lessons learnt (Contribution towards colloquium on “Promoting Empowerment of Women in Arab Countries”, United Nations Office of Special Advisor on Gender Issues (OSAGI). Tunis, 5-6 October 2010
- Newton, J. & Franklin, A. (2011) Delivering sustainable communities in China: using a sustainable livelihoods framework for reviewing the promotion of ‘ecotourism’ in Anji. Local Environment, 16 (8), 789-806 Abstract available here
- Franklin, A., Newton, J. & McEntee, J. (2011) ‘Moving beyond the alternative: sustainable communities, rural resilience and the mainstreaming of local food’ Local environment, 16 (8), 771-788 Abstract available here
- Franklin, A., Newton, J., Middleton, J. & Marsden, T. (2011) ‘Re-connecting Skills for Sustainable Communities with Everyday Life’, Environment and Planning A, 43 (2), 347-362 Abstract available here
- Marsden, T., Franklin, A., Newton, J. & Middleton, J. (2010) Sustainability in practice: situated learning and knowledge for the evolving eco-economy, Town Planning Review, 81 (5), 541-562 Abstract available here
- Newton, J. (2010) Wellbeing: Contributions towards practical strategies to promote social integration (updated February, 2010) Shaping Inclusion: A tool for monitoring and measuring urban social inclusion, UN-HABITAT expert group meeting 24-26 February, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya,
- Newton, J., Franklin, A., Middleton, J. & Marsden, T. (2009) ‘Understanding the Role of Skills, Learning and Knowledge for Sustainable Communities’ BRASS Working Paper Series Number 51
- Newton, J., Marsden, T., Franklin, A. & Collins, A. (2008) “Supporting Skills and Knowledge to Deliver Sustainable Communities: An Exploration of the Conceptual and Policy Context”, BRASS Working Paper 45
- Newton, J. (2007) “Wellbeing and the Natural Environment: brief overview of the evidence”, Defra report. Full text available here
- Newton, J. (2007) Wellbeing: Contributions towards practical strategies to promote social integration. Paper presented at UN expert meeting on Creating and Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration. Paris, France, 10 – 13 September 2007 Abstract available here
- Newton, J. (2007) “Structures, Regimes and Wellbeing”, WeD Working Paper 30, University of Bath. Full text available here
- Newton, J (2007). “Gender mainstreaming in Ethiopia: translation of policy into practice and implications on the ground.” Paper presented at the Political Studies Association (April, 2007) and the Ethiopian Economics Association Conference, United Nations Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, June 10-11, 2006
- Newton, J. (2006) “Gender responsive approaches to sustainable agricultural extension: the case of Namibia”, Sustainable Development: National Aspirations, Local Implementation, (eds) Hill J, Terry A, Woodland W. (Ashgate Publishing Ltd)