Kimberley Meijers
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- +31 20 5688657
- K.Meijers@kit.nl
Kimberley has a background in Health Sciences with a special focus on International Public Health and Infectious Diseases. She is specialized in SRHR including HIV/AIDS and has been working in this field for more than 10 years.
Before joining KIT Royal Tropical Institute, she worked as Community Project Coordinator for the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation. Besides strong coordinating and communication skills, she has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research and capacity strengthening. She is a strategic networker and strong team player.
Kimberley is part of the SRHR team at KIT Royal Tropical Institute. She worked as Share-Net Officer for two years before she became Country Coordinator and Knowledge Management Expert for Share-Net International.
As the Country Coordinator she is the focal point for the Share-Net Country Hubs in Bangladesh, Jordan and Ethiopia. Furthermore, she is the project manager of the Share-Net International Rapid Improvement Model (CRIM-KT/SHIRIM), which contributes to better understanding which strategies can be used effectively by Country Hubs to successfully move newly acquired SRHR knowledge towards policy influencing and improving practice. This model uses the so called Collaborative Approach as a structured learning system to facilitate a collaboration between the Country Hubs, and to build their knowledge management capacities.
Other publications
- Kimberley Meijers, Anke van der Kwaak, Ibrahim Aqel, Robert Borst, Françoise Jenniskens, Aryanti Radyowijati, Arnob Chakrabarty, Eric Nzeyimana, Ely Sawitri and Noor Tromp. (2022). Using a Rapid Knowledge Translation Approach for Better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Bangladesh, Burundi, Indonesia, and Jordan