Margo van Gurp
- Department
- Epidemiology
- Title
- Epidemiologist
- Phone
- +31205688386
Margo van Gurp is an epidemiologist with a strong quantitative foundation. She specialises in the application of spatial epidemiological techniques to support local solutions to global health problems. Her background in health sciences allows her to approach public health issues from a scientific, social and biological perspective.
In her role, Margo supports the implementation of epidemiological research in low- and middle income settings. She also specialises in (spatial) data management and analysis for a wide variety of global health themes, such as tuberculosis, malnutrition and immunization
Determinants of health seeking behaviour in South Sudan: a cross-sectional household survey
Access to healthcare is a major challenge in South Sudan, but evidence on the factors influencing health seeking behaviour (HSB) and the magnitude of their effect is limited. This study aims to identify which determinants are associated with seeking care for perceived health needs and with seeking care at private or public healthcare facilities in […]
- Year of publication
- January 2025
Third party monitoring for health in Afghanistan: the good, the bad and the ugly
Research article
Third party monitoring (TPM) is used in development programming to assess deliverables in a contract relationship between purchasers (donors or government) and providers (non-governmental organisations or non-state entities). In this paper, we draw from our experience as public health professionals involved in implementing and monitoring the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) and the Essential […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
The study of spatial autocorrelation for infectious disease epidemiology decision-making: a systematized literature review
Research article
In recent years, researchers and decision-makers have increasing access to granular geographically disaggregated health surveillance and programmatic data to improve and optimize public health policy.
- Year of publication
- 2022
Key lessons from a mixed-method evaluation of a postnatal home visit programme in the humanitarian setting of Gaza
The World Health Organization recommends postnatal home visits to improve maternal and newborn health, but there is limited evidence on the effectiveness of postnatal home visits effectiveness in humanitarian settings. This paper evaluates postnatal home visits implemented in the constrained humanitarian context of Gaza.
Prevention or Punishment? – Teenage pregnancy and child marriage in Chadiza and Petauke, Eastern Zambia
This report presents the results of the Yes I Do base-, mid- and end-line study in Chadiza and Petauke districts in Eastern Zambia.
From “Etigila Entito Enkalamu” to “Eitia Entito Enkalamu” – How the Yes I Do programme changed lives in Kajiado County in Kenya
The overall goal of this endline study was to provide insight into the magnitude, (interrelated) causes and effects of child marriage, teenage pregnancy and female genital mutilation/ cutting, as well as the extent to which these causes and effects are present in the intervention areas (Kajiado West County) of the Yes I Do programme in […]
A Summary of the National Mixed Methods Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Barriers on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition in Sierra Leone
This study’s purpose is to help improve the nutrition of children and mothers in Sierra Leone. The specific purpose is helping the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to develop a Behavioural Change Communication strategy about maternal infant and young child nutrition. This summary document provides insight in he findings of the study and has recommendations […]
- Year of publication
- 2019
Finding gaps in TB notifications: spatial analysis of geographical patterns of TB notifications, associations with TB program efforts and social determinants of TB risk in Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan
In order to effectively combat Tuberculosis, resources to diagnose and treat TB should be allocated effectively to the areas and population that need them. Although a wealth of subnational data on TB is routinely collected to support local planning, it is often underutilized. Therefore, this study uses spatial analytical techniques and profiling to understand and […]
- Year of publication
- 2020
Evaluation of a Postnatal Home Visiting Program for mothers, neonates and their families in Gaza, State of Palestine, over the period 2011 – 2016
The United Nations International Children’s Fund State of Palestine (UNICEF SoP) has contracted the KIT-Juzoor consortium to conduct an external evaluation of the Post Natal Home Visiting (PNHV) programme for postnatal mothers, neonates and their families implemented in Gaza in a humanitarian context. This final report describes the purpose of the evaluation, the methodology used, […]
SPARK | Edition 1
Short Periodical Announcements of Research at KIT This is a short periodical Announcement of Research being done by the Centre of Applied Spatial Epidemiology (Case) team
A Spatial Analysis Framework to Monitor and Accelerate Progress towards SDG 3 to End TB in Bangladesh
Global efforts to end the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic by 2030 (SDG3.3) through improved TB case detection and treatment have not been effective to significantly reduce the global burden of the TB epidemic. This study presents an analytical framework to evaluate the use of TB case notification rates (CNR) to monitor and to evaluate TB under-detection […]
- Year of publication
- 2018
MATCH: Mapping and Analysis for Tailored Disease Control and Health System Strengthening
Manual This manual is an initiative of the Stop TB partnership, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and written by the Centre for Applied Spatial Epidemiology (CASE) of KIT Royal Tropical Institute.