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Marielle Le Mat


Marielle Le Mat MSc PhD is an expert in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), gender, young people, and education. She carries out research, training, and advisory work in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Her research focuses on SRHR, education, and social and gender justice in sub-Saharan Africa. She obtained her PhD on comprehensive sexuality education and gender-based violence in schools in Ethiopia, from the University of Amsterdam. She has published in high-quality international academic journals and her work is widely read and used by a diverse audience. Marielle is experienced in youth participatory, qualitative, and mixed methods, and comparative research.

Marielle is an experienced teacher and trainer. She has taught various university bachelor and master courses, supervised master theses, and facilitated interactive workshops for professional audiences. In addition to research and training, Marielle has carried out advisory work on SRHR, skills education, and out-of-school youth for civil society organisations, international organisations and bilateral donors.

Marielle works in international and interdisciplinary teams and in her work she actively seeks to establish links between research, policy, and practice. With her strong analytical skills, interdisciplinary perspectives, and practical orientation, she arrives at holistic evaluations and advice. She is committed to putting her skills and expertise to use to benefit the lives of young men and women globally.


  • FORCE (Formation Santé et Droits Sexuels et Reproductifs) – Mali

    • Institute
    • Project

    Formation Santé et Droits Sexuels et Reproductifs : une collaboration de l’Enseignement Public et Privé pour l’intégration de Ia santé reproductive des adolescents et jeunes dans le curriculum de base des techniciens de santé et techniciens supérieurs de santé. Au Mali, spécifiquement à Mopti et Sikasso, les jeunes et les adolescents éprouvent des difficultés à […]

  • Young people’s perspectives on school-based sexuality education

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute is conducting a study, commissioned by UNESCO, on young people’s perspectives on school-based education for health and well-being, including sexuality education. Sexuality education has major positive health and social outcomes for adolescents and young people. Yet, research that focuses on their experiences with such education remains limited. KIT Institute is partnering with young […]

  • Break Free ! Les jeunes défendent leur santé et leurs droits sexuels et reproductifs

    • Institute
    • Project

    La santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) sont essentiels au développement sain des jeunes, mais beaucoup d’entre eux doivent trouver leur chemin avec des informations inexactes, un accès limité aux services de santé et des normes sexospécifiques néfastes qui empêchent les filles d’avoir leur mot à dire dans les décisions qui les concernent. […]

  • Break Free! – Young people advocate for their sexual and reproductive health and rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are critical to the healthy development of young people, but many young people must find their way with inaccurate information, poor access to health services, and harmful gender norms that prevent girls from having a say in decisions that affect them. In many African countries, young girls face […]

  • FORCE (Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) – Mali

    • Institute
    • Project

    Education on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: A collaboration of public and private education for the integration of adolescent and youth reproductive health into the basic curriculum of health technicians and senior health technicians. In Mali, specifically in Mopti and Sikasso, young people and adolescents have difficulty exercising their sexual and reproductive health rights […]


Academic Publications

Research Papers

PhD Thesis