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Meike Stieglis

SRHR, Share-Net International

Meike Stieglis joined KIT Royal Tropical Institute in October 2013 as health advisor and coordinator at the Share-Net secretariat. In the years that followed she was part of the Share-Net team that transformed the Dutch Network into an International Knowledge Platform.

In her role, Meike coordinates various knowledge management activities and creates network opportunities for Share-Net members. Lately, the team developed a new strategic plan, theory of change and governance structure. At this moment, Meike is working on a new improved monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system for the knowledge platform to track outcomes and impact. She is specialised in the areas of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), HIV/AIDS and Gender and has been working in this field for almost fifteen years.

Meike is part of the Health unit and SRHR team at KIT. Besides her coordinating tasks within Share-Net, she is also part of the coordinating team at the Sida helpdesk. A framework agreement to provide Sida and Swedish embassy staff with various advisory services on Health and SRHR. Also, Meike has a seat in the SDG Taskforce. This Taskforce aims to inspire and advocate the attainment of the SDGs by KIT and partners, find opportunities for KIT to be meaningful involved in SDG work and act responsibly in ensuring that resources that are available and made available to KIT and partners for SDG purposes are well used.

Besides coordinating and organisational skills, Meike has expertise in knowledge management, conducting research, M&E, and capacity strengthening of (local) organisations. In the past she worked for several Dutch development NGOs and was active as gender advisor and M&E specialist in Ecuador and Ethiopia. In her last position before joining KIT, she was working in a consortium of NGOs to set up a European wide Platform for Diaspora Organisations in order to improve knowledge exchange, linking & learning and to share experiences.


  • Share-Net International: The Knowledge Platform for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Platform’s focus is on strengthening the role knowledge can play in developing evidence-based policies and practices for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). It also ensures that resources are used strategically, including in relation to the four core areas of Dutch policy on SRHR: Achievements Since its inception, Share-Net International has been implementing […]