Nicole Moran
- Department
- Global Health
- Title
- Junior Advisor
- Phone
- +31 (2) 05688570
- Visit LinkedIn profile
Nicole Moran, MA, is an advisor on gender and SRHR at KIT. Her expertise lies at the intersection of gender and health, with her background in gender studies allowing her to approach global health with a strong intersectional, feminist and sociological perspective.
Within KIT, Nicole works for the Share-Net International knowledge platform as a knowledge management expert where she supports the facilitation of knowledge generation, translation, sharing and the promotion of knowledge use. She also engages in other advisory work, with a thematic focus on safe abortion and the interlinkages between climate and SRHR.
Nicole works closely with a number of feminist grassroots, both in the Netherlands and at an EU level, that focus on access to safe abortion care and bodily autonomy and has a strong advocacy background to accompany the advisory work that she does at KIT.
Climate-resilient aquatic food systems require transformative change to address gender and intersectional inequalities
Research article
The adverse impacts of climate change on aquatic food systems (AFS) and the people who depend on AFS for livelihood security are inequitably distributed between and within countries. People facing the highest risks and experiencing the severest impacts of climate change are those who already experience multidimensional inequalities in their lives, particularly because of their […]
- Year of publication
- 2024
The role of healthcare providers in expanding legal abortion:Qualitative insights from Argentina, Ireland, and South Korea
Abortion laws are key in creating an enabling environment that facilitates the advancement of people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. Around 50 countries have liberalized their abortion laws in the last decades by adding new grounds allowing abortion. The road toward the expansion of legal abortion is a long, highly sensitive, and difficult process. […]
- Year of publication
- 2024