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Olivier Onvlee

Health Systems Strengthening

Olivier Onvlee, MSc, is an advisor in the health systems strengthening team at KIT, with a focus on governance, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Human Resources for Health (HRH).

Recent programmes include capacity building and evaluation of local governance programmes in Uganda and Somaliland, support for the HRH national strategy process in Greece and field research on the political economy of HRH in Malawi.

His work often focusses on fragile and conflict affected settings, including missions to Somaliland and the DRC. Additionally, Olivier works on KITs strategy and business development, including for SDG House.


  • Strategic initiative for health workforce planning 

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute designs and implements a technical assistance approach to strengthen health workforce planning and ensure the right health workers are in the right place. Evidence-informed decision-making There is a shortage of health workers in many low-and middle-income countries (LMIC). The workers that are available are often not well distributed – with a concentration of […]

  • Cash and Voucher Assistance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian Settings and Fragile States

    • Institute
    • Project

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