Rhiannon Pyburn
- Department
- Gender Equality
- Title
- Team lead Gender Equality
- Phone
- +31 (0)20 568 8518
- R.Pyburn@kit.nl
Rhiannon Pyburn is a specialist in multi-stakeholder processes, institutional innovation, and gender equity in inclusive value chain development. Her education and practical experience lie in the facilitation of learning processes related to resource management and agricultural innovation systems, and in building inter-cultural and cross-disciplinary cooperation. She has worked on projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with longer periods in Côte D’Ivoire, Indonesia and India.
Gendered social norms in agrifood systems
Working Paper
Social norms are widely accepted, informal, typically unspoken and unwritten rules of acceptable, appropriate, and obligatory behavior. They are often implicit, to the point where people internalize, accept, and follow them without critical thought. Social norms are strongly linked to, but different from, behavior: they govern a behavior but are not the behavior itself. As […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Studying a gender responsive vaccine system: retrospective analysis of best methods
This methodological paper introduces four projects, all of which aimed to increase women’s engagement in and benefit from the livestock vaccine value chains of small ruminants and poultry by improving women’s empowerment and supporting women’s access to animal health services. All four projects used a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand the […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Gender dynamics in agrifood value chains: Advances in research and practice over the last decade
Research article
This paper reviews knowledge generated over the past 10 years on gendered patterns to engagement, returns on engagement, and power relations in agrifood value chains. It examines how research has advanced, evidence of improvements in gender equality and women’s empowerment, and the circumstances under which any advances have happened. Gender inequalities in value chains remain […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Toward structural change: Gender Transformative Approaches
Book chapter
Serie: Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: past, present and future Almost a quarter of a century after the Beijing Declaration, and with 10 years left to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, The Guardian announced the SDG Gender Index’s finding that, “Not one single country is set to achieve gender equality by 2030” […]
- Year of publication
- 2021
CGIAR research through an empowerment and equality lens
Book chapter
Serie: Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: Past, present, and future Over the past decade or so, there has been a renewed, and more concerted and comprehensive, interest in gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agricultural development sector. Renowned development organizations have put gender dynamics back in the spotlight by means of […]
- Year of publication
- 2021
Myths about the feminization of agriculture – Implications for global food security
Research article
The term “feminization of agriculture” is used to describe changing labor markets that pull men out of agriculture, increasing women’s roles. However, simplified understandings of this feminization persist as myths in the literature, limiting our understanding of the broader changes that affect food security. Through a review of literature, this paper analyses four myths: 1) […]
Advancing Gender Equality through Agricultural and Environmental Research: Past, Present and Future
This book marks a shift away from a typical, instrumentalist outlook focused on how gender analysis can contribute to research objectives, such as improved productivity. Contributors intentionally flip the question to ask: How does agricultural and environmental research and development contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment? By reframing the analysis, the book puts gender […]
- Year of publication
- 2021
Implementing Gender Transformative Approaches in Agriculture
The European Commission project, “Taking gender transformative approaches to scale for impact on SDG2 – food security, nutrition and agriculture” aims to embed Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) in policy dialogue, programs and working modalities of the United Nations Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs). It will do this by strengthening understanding of GTAs of relevant staff and partners; […]
Unleashing potential: gender and youth inclusive agri-food chains
Working Paper
Working Paper Series 2015 – 7 “Nine billion by 2050” is a commonly cited prediction on global population growth that frames arguments about access to natural resources, as well as the future supply of sufficient and nutritious food. Solutions for meeting food needs and for mitigating environmental constraints include: sustainable agricultural practices; innovative technologies to […]
- Year of publication
- 2015
Against the grain and to the roots
Bringing a group of diverse but interdependent stakeholders together to build and stimulate the cassava and maize sectors both goes “against the grain” and “to the roots” of agricultural development in West and Central Africa. It requires new thinking and new organizational constellations, alongside an appreciation and inclusion of long-standing actors in these food crop […]
Other publications
- Pyburn, Rhiannon and Froukje Kruijssen (2015, in press). “Towards gender equitable aquaculture: the dynamics of participation, benefit sharing and changing social norms in fish value chains in the southwest of Bangladesh.” Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security. September 2015 issue.
- Pyburn, Rhiannon and Noortje Verhart (forthcoming) “Making it Work for All: gender equity in certified coffee, tea and cocoa chains” LM Publishers, Amsterdam.
- Laven, Anna and Rhiannon Pyburn (2015). Facilitating gender inclusive agri-business. Knowledge Management for Development Journal. May 2015 issue 11(1): 10-30
- Faire Changer les Chaînes: équité entre les genres dans le développement des chaînes de valeur agricoles Laven & Pyburn (eds) (2013)
- Pyburn, R and J. Terrillon. ‘Achieving gender equity in agricultural value chains’ in New Agriculturalist (2013)
- Verhart, N. and R. Pyburn “Gender Equality in Certified Agricultural Value Chains”. In Harcourt, Wendy (ed). Women reclaiming sustainable livelihoods: spaces lost, spaces gained (2012)
- Blackmore, E, and Keeley, J with Pyburn, R., Mangnus E, Chen L. and Yuhui Q. Pro-poor certification: assessing the benefits of sustainability certification for small-scale farmers in Asia (2012)
- Pyburn, R. “Small farmer group certification to access socially and environmentally ‘just’ markets” in Ton et al (eds). Producer organisations and market chains – facilitating trajectories of change in developing countries. (2007).
- Pyburn, R. “Social Learning amongst social and environmental standard-setting organizations – the case of smallholder certification in the SASA Project” in Wals (ed) Social Learning towards a sustainable world. (2007)
- Pyburn, R., N. Sriskandarajah & A. Wals. “Social Responsibility in Organic Agriculture – Learning, Collaboration and Regulation” Chapter 14 in Kristiansen & Taji (eds). Organic Agriculture – A Global Perspective (2006).
- Leeuwis, C. & R. Pyburn (eds). Wheelbarrows full of frogs: social learning in rural resource management. (2002)
- Leeuwis, C. & R. Pyburn. “Social learning in rural resource management: Introduction to the book” In Leeuwis & Pyburn (eds). Wheelbarrows full of frogs: social learning in rural resource management. (2002)
- Leeuwis, C., R. Pyburn & André Boon. “Concluding reflections on social learning – tadpoles, lily pads and lotus flowers” In Leeuwis & Pyburn (eds). Wheelbarrows full of frogs: social learning in rural resource management. (2002)
- Pyburn, R. & I. Guijt. Capacity Building in IDRC-supported Networks: Analysis of the findings from an IDRC Strategic Evaluation 1995-2005 (2006)
- Kooistra, K., A. Termorshuizen & R. Pyburn. The Sustainability of Cotton – consequences for man and environment, (“Social and trade related aspects of sustainable cotton production and processing” Chapter 5 (2006)
- Pyburn, R.. Towards Best Practices for Group Certification A Report for the ISEAL Alliance. (2005)
- Guijt, I. & R. Pyburn. Agro-Biodiversity in Action – Portfolio Assessment of the HIVOS/NOVIB Biodiversity Fund (2004)