Rik Habraken
- Department
- Impact Economics
- Title
- Senior Advisor
- Phone
- +31205688275
- r.habraken@kit.nl
- Visit LinkedIn profile
Rik Habraken is a senior advisor with a Ph.D. in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia (UK). He specialises in rigorous impact evaluation and applied econometrics, with a strong focus on sustainable agricultural development and socio-economic well-being in sub-Saharan African countries.
He currently leads studies on the effects of cash transfers to cocoa and coffee farming households in West Africa, with the aim to improve incomes, enhance resilience, and tackle child labour prevalence in the region. Additionally, he focuses on evaluating the effects of a large-scale horticulture program on the livelihoods of horticulture farmers in Northern Nigeria.
He has led complex and large-scale impact evaluations, such as the AGRA-PIATA program across seven sub-Saharan African countries, and has successfully coordinated international teams of researchers, field coordinators, and enumerators. In these projects, he was responsible for the methodological design of impact evaluations, including designing the sampling frameworks, sampling procedures, survey development, and data analysis.
Apart from his contributions to sustainable agricultural development, Rik has also conducted research on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and published papers, articles and studies on youth aspirations in low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. His work in this area has shed light on critical issues concerning youth empowerment and reproductive healthcare.
Rik’s work aims to foster evidence-based policymaking, and his expertise lies in quantitative analyses, including various (quasi-) experimental approaches, such as randomised control trials, propensity score matching, difference-in-difference estimation, and instrumental variable estimation.
He has extensive regional experience in countries such as Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Rik is a member of the advisory board of the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP).
Nestlé Income Accelerator Program: Progress Report of the Test-at-Scale Phase
In 2022, Nestlé launched the Income Accelerator Program in Côte d’Ivoire as part of their ambition to help close the Living Income (LI) gap in their cocoa supply chain and combat the root causes of child labour risks. The current test-at-scale phase involves 10,000 farming households in Côte d’Ivoire, following a previous one-year piloting period among 1,000 farming households. These […]
- Year of publication
- 2024
Living Income and Child Labour in the Cocoa Sector of Côte d’Ivoire
Working Paper
KIT Working Paper Child labour remains a persistent human rights violation in international commodity supply chains, adversely impacting children’s physical and mental health and depriving them of educational opportunities (UNICEF, 2020). This holds true for the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire; a country that produces 43% of all cocoa worldwide (ICCO, 2022). A nationwide study […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
What Should I Aspire to? Peer Effects in Adolescents’ Friendship Networks
Research article
In sub-Saharan Africa, economic aspirations often conflict with aspirations to follow traditional social obligations. We test whether adolescents are influenced by friends when deciding which one to prioritize. To do so, we elicit the preferences and perceived competition between economic and social aspirations of 533 Ugandan students, as well as their friendship ties. Using characteristics […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Nestlé Income Accelerator Program – Baseline report
The Income Accelerator Program (IAP) aims to tackle key issues facing farm households in the cocoa sector – such as Living Income (LI) gap, child labor, and lack of women empowerment – by enhancing cocoa productivity, increasing additional income sources, improving gender equality, creating a professional labor force, and improving access to loans and savings. […]
Nestlé Income Accelerator Program – Midline report of the Pilot Phase (2023)
The Income Accelerator Program (IAP) aims to tackle key issues facing farm households in the cocoa sector – such as Living Income (LI) gap, child labor, and lack of women empowerment – by enhancing cocoa productivity, increasing additional income sources, improving gender equality, creating a professional labor force, and improving access to loans and savings. […]
Effort and Social Comparison: Experimental Evidence from Uganda
Research article
Individual effort is key to generate income and escape from poverty. In small-scale societies in developing countries, where effort and resulting income are easily observable, social comparison can influence effort in both positive and negative ways. To study the effects of social comparison, we use a lab experiment in which participants conduct a real-effort task […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Pathways for closing the income gap for cocoa farming households in Côte d’Ivoire, a segmented approach
In 2015, Nestlé launched a program focusing on the ‘better-off farmers’, called the Elite Farmer program. The ‘elite farmers’ were hand-picked from ordinary farmers in villages, based on a number of selection criteria, and intensively trained and coached. The aim was to empower elite farmers to unleash their potential, both in cocoa production and in […]