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Rob Kuijpers

Impact Economics
Team lead Impact Economics

Rob Kuijpers is a development economist with more than ten years’ experience (since 2011) in policy and program evaluation, impact assessment, applied research, and policy advice in the realm of agricultural development, value chain innovations, and food and nutrition security. 

Since he joined KIT Royal Tropical Institute in 2019 he has broadened his expertise by working on topics such as international responsible conduct, integrated landscape approaches, and nature conservation.

In his research and advisory activities he aims to contribute to evidence-based policies by bridging the gap between rigorous scientific insights and pragmatic decision making. This requires translating complex research evidence into actionable insights for decision makers. To generate new evidence, he applies both qualitative research methods (such as contribution analyses) and quantitative methods (such as quasi-experimental designs).

He has worked in/on Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, South-Africa, Tanzania, Uganda), Asia (Bangladesh, Indonesia), Latin America (Brazil), and the Caribbean. He has done research on a wide range of value chains and commodities, including aquaculture, dairy, cocoa, cereals (rice, wheat, barley, maize), palm oil, poultry, horticulture, soy, beans, and plantains (matooke). 


  • Towards more effective ways to address child labour in the cocoa sector

    • Institute
    • Project

    Child labour remains a persistent human rights violation in the cocoa sector, impacting children’s physical and mental health while depriving them of educational opportunities. The cocoa sector is increasingly responding to this issue by implementing innovative programmes, targeting the root causes of child labour, such as poverty and a lack of access to quality education. […]

  • Evaluation of the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) programme

    • Institute
    • Project

    In september 2023, KIT completed a mid-term evaluation of the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes, an international land use management programme of the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The evaluation assesses whether ISLA is on track to reach its goals, and provides recommendations for the second half of the programme. […]

  • Accelerating Agriculture and Agribusiness in South Sudan

    • Institute
    • Project

    A3-Seed The seed sector in South Sudan is currently dominated by seed aid. The A3-Seed project seeks to reduce the country’s dependancy on foreign-sourced seeds, and humanitarian support, with the aim to transform the seed sector into a commercially viable one.  “The yield was not good” As part of the project, we recently held an […]

  • Inclusive Conservation and Livelihoods in Tropical Forests: Exploring Gender Transformative Approaches

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Institute and Farm Africa are conducting a participatory action research study on forest conservation, livelihoods, and gender in the Bale Ecoregion in Ethiopia. The study will guide and support women in communities around the Harenna forest in the pursuit of alternative income-generating activities that empower them, improve their wellbeing, and that contribute to forest […]

  • Evaluation of the IDH-NICFI “Connecting Production, Protection & Inclusion” Landscape Programme

    • Institute
    • Project

    Landscape approaches seek to reconcile social, economic, and environmental objectives in areas where agriculture and other productive land uses compete with environmental and biodiversity goals. The Sustainable Trade Initiative’s (IDH) pioneering role in promoting such landscape transformation is captured in the Production, Protection & Inclusion (PPI) approach – a three-pronged process that focuses on sustainably increasing productivity, protecting […]

  • Annual Outcome Surveys for the AGRA PIATA programme

    • Institute
    • Project

    The Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) intends to catalyse and sustain an inclusive agricultural transformation in Africa by increasing incomes and improving food security for 30 million farming households in 11 focus countries. KIT is supporting AGRA in achieving this ambition by measuring and assessing progress at a household and agricultural systems level. […]

  • Evaluation of the Dutch RBC Agreements 2014-2020

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT was contracted by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to evaluate and review 11 sector-level multi-stakeholder agreements on responsible business conduct (RBC agreements). Objectives The objective of this evaluation was to gain an insight into the extent to which the RBC agreements advance the implementation of due diligence by companies in conformity with the […]

  • Assessing the Best Aquaculture Practices Certification

    • Institute
    • Project

    KIT Royal Tropical Institute conducted an assessment of the ‘Best Aquaculture Practices’ (BAP) certification of the Global Aquaculture Alliance. The assessment aimed to better understand how BAP social and labour standards are applied in practice and to determine how they impact practices among seafood producers, processors and buyers. Ensuring aquaculture production is environmentally and socially […]


Other Publications

Mark Treurniet, Arjun Bedi, Erwin Bulte, Patricio Dalton, Geske Dijkstra, Jan Willem Gunning, Wendy Janssens, Luuk van Kempen, Rob Kuijpers, Robert Lensink, Karlijn Morsink, Eleonora Nillesen, Remco Oostendorp, Menno Pradhan, Ruerd Ruben, Daan van Soest. 2021. Effectief ontwikkelingsbeleid vergt cultuur van leren en betere evaluaties. ESB, te verschijnen. 

Kuijpers, Rob. 2020. Integrated Value Chain Development: Evidence from Bangladesh. Food Policy, 97, 101916.

Kuijpers, Rob. 2019. Value Chain Development as Public Policy: Conceptualization and Evidence from the Agri-Food Sector in Bangladesh. LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance, Discussion Paper, 414.

Swinnen, Johan, and Rob Kuijpers. 2019. The Governance of Global Agri-Food Value Chains, Standards, and Development. In Oxford Handbook on International Economic Governance and Market Regulation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

FAO-CDB. 2019. Study on the State of Agriculture in the Caribbean. Opportunities, prospects and gaps. Rome. 212 pp. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Swinnen, Johan, and Rob Kuijpers. 2019. Value Chain Innovations for Technology Transfer in Developing and Emerging Economies: Conceptual Issues, Typology, and Policy Implications. Food Policy 83.C (2019): 298-309.

Swinnen, Johan, and Rob Kuijpers. 2019. Value chains and agricultural productivity. Background paper prepared for Harvesting Prosperity: Technology and Productivity Growth in Agriculture, World Bank, Washington, DC. 

IOB. 2018. Food for thought: Review of the Dutch food security policy 2012-2016. IOB evaluation no. 419 With Ferko Bodnár.

Swinnen, Johan, and Rob Kuijpers. 2017. Inclusive Value Chains to Accelerate Poverty Reduction in Africa. Background note prepared for Accelerating Poverty Reduction in Africa, World Bank, Washington, DC.

Kuijpers, Rob, and Johan Swinnen. 2016. Value Chains and Technology Transfer to Agriculture in Developing and Emerging Economies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (5): 1403–18. 

IOB. 2015. Aided trade – An evaluation of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (2005-2012). IOB evaluation no. 408.  With Peter Henk Eshuis.