Verena Bitzer
- Department
- Inclusive Food Systems
- Title
- Senior Advisor
- Phone
- +31 (0)20 568 8544
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Verena Bitzer, PhD, is an interdisciplinary social scientist who helps create sustainable, rural livelihoods in developing economies. Her work focuses on making value chains, the delivery of agricultural services and (agri-)business models more inclusive and empowering for people working in these sectors.
Verena’s work has shown her that dealing with such complexity requires a context-specific, bottom-up approach. It also needs to builds on all stakeholders’ interests and needs, paying special attention to gender equity and youth inclusion. That is why creating and spreading knowledge with others is an essential part of Verena’s work.
With professional experience in scientific research, action research and applied knowledge, along with qualitative and quantitative evaluation Verena brings years of practical experience along with scientific rigor to her work. Having lived in South Africa and Malawi, and worked in various developing countries, Verena emphasises the advantages of a collaborative approach to creating opportunities for sustainable livelihoods and inclusive rural transformation.
In addition to her work at KIT, Verena is affiliated with Maastricht University (ICIS) in the Netherlands, where she enjoys interactive teaching, engaging with students and researching on Southern sustainability standards in agriculture.
Verena’s key fields of expertise include:
- Inclusive business, corporate social responsibility and sustainability (standards)
- Value chain collaboration and public-private partnerships
- Food security and inclusive rural transformation
- Livelihood diversification and innovation in service delivery models
She has lived and worked in South Africa, Malawi, Germany, the US and the Netherlands.
How gender norms impact women’s role in forest use and forest management—illustrations from Ethiopia’s Bale Ecoregion
Working Paper
This paper unravels the gender relations in rural forest-dependent communities in Ethiopia by taking a closer look at the country’s Bale Ecoregion, located in the Oromia regional state. Drawing on primary quantitative and qualitative data, the paper explores women’s roles as users of forest resources and in forest resource management, before reflecting on the construction […]
- Year of publication
- 2024
Gender and forest resources in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic literature review
Research article
Consolidating, analysing and synthesizing the empirical literature on gender and forest resources within low- and middle-income countries to unravel the multifaceted factors contributing to gender disparities. This systematic literature review provides a comprehensive understanding of the gender disparities in forest resource management, highlighting the multifaceted impact of gender norms on women’s access to and use […]
- Year of publication
- 2024
Vulnerability and resilience among farmers and market actors in local agri-food value chains in the face of COVID-19 disruptions: findings from Uganda and Kenya
Countries which imposed strict containment measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are thought to have faced particular socio-economic challenges. This study assesses the implications of COVID-19 disruptions on local agri-food value chain actors in Kenya and Uganda, as both countries enacted strict lockdowns to limit the spread of the virus. Using survey data from […]
- Year of publication
- 2024
Mid-term evaluation of the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) programme 2021-2025
This report presents the findings of the mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the second phase of IDH’s Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA), funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ISLA programme was first launched in 2015 and is now half-way its second funding period (2021-2025). In view thereof, the purpose of this MTE is—besides accountability to […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
All in on Millet?
Working Paper Series
This article explores the re-emergence of millet in domestic value chains and its use by private actors with innovative business models – using fortification or biofortification – to highlight millet’s smart food properties. While millet has been in the shadow of rice and wheat production for decades, recently there has been renewed interest in millet […]
Out of Balance: Global–Local Tensions in Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and the Emergence of Rival Initiatives in Producing Countries
Research article
Studies on multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) have highlighted the potential for conflict in MSPs, and particularly at the global–local interface has been identified as a key source of tension for partnerships in global value chains. This article uncovers the nature of global–local conflicts, how these conflicts can play out in global MSPs, and how this can […]
- Year of publication
- 2023
Promoting the role of smallholder farmers in the mitigation of climate change
Working Paper Series
This article explores the drivers for smallholder farmers’ participation in climate change mitigation. In particular it aims to describe the mechanisms by which smallholder farmers can participate in and benefit from programmes which offset or inset carbon emissions and offer incentives for the provision of ecosystem services.
Defining incentives and claims in Aquaculture Improvement Projects
Aquaculture improvement projects (AIPs) have recently emerged as a new form of market-based and non-state governance in the aquaculture sector. They embody multi-stakeholder efforts that leverage the influence of the private sector to drive improvements in aquaculture production and ensure that these changes endure through improved policy and management strategies. This paper is based on […]
Final Evaluation of the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile
The Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT) was signed in July 2016 to support companies in implementing due diligence, develop joint activities and projects, and ultimately address adverse social, environmental and animal welfare challenges in supply chains. This evaluation aims to assess the qualitative and quantitative progress achieved in relation to the AGT’s […]
Critical stages for post-harvest losses and nutrition outcomes in the value chains of bush beans and nightshade in Uganda
Research article
The reduction of post-harvest losses (PHLs) has been identified as a key pathway to food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa. However, despite policy prioritisation, knowledge about the severity of PHLs remains scant, especially when it comes to nutrient-dense crops such as African nightshade and bush beans. This paper identifies loss hotspots, causes and effects […]
Inclusive Business Cases Linking Agriculture and Conservation
Working Paper Series
Agricultural production frequently competes with forest conservation. The issue is particularly significant in developing countries where economic pressures frequently drive projects oriented at short-term economic gains at the expense of deforestation and long-term sustainable development. This working paper offers a review of business models combining agriculture with conservation objectives and portrays two illustrative case studies […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Cross-country synthesis
This synthesis report forms part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC)1 by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB), comprising (i) sector agreements on IRBC, (ii) frameworks for private sector instruments, (iii) Dutch Embassy activities, (iv) international cooperation and legislation, and (v) […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC Policy – India Report
This report is the result of a case study conducted in India as part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The India study aimed to evaluate how different Dutch IRBC policy instruments manifest […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Ethiopia Report
This report is the result of a case study conducted in Ethiopia as part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB). The Ethiopia case study aims to evaluate how different Dutch IRBC policy instruments manifest […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Colombia Report
This report is the result of a case study conducted in Colombia as part of theevaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB). The Colombia study focuses on the mining sector and explores whether and how Dutch IRBC […]
Evaluation of Dutch IRBC policy – Bangladesh Report
This report is the result of a case study conducted in Bangladesh as part of the evaluation of Dutch policy on International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IOB). The Bangladesh case study aimed to evaluate how different Dutch IRBC policy instruments manifest […]
The impact of voluntary sustainability standards on small-scale farmers in global commodity chains
Working Paper Series
Since their emergence in the mid-1990s, voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) have been propelled from specialty niches into mainstream markets due to rising demand among consumers, buyers and producers to address socio-economic, environmental and food safety concerns. VSS range from efforts by single firms or NGOs, to industry associations and social movement organisations, business-NGO collaborations, multi- […]
Lindt & Sprüngli Farming Program: Impact Evaluation Ghana
Executive Summary This report presents the findings of an impact evaluation of the Lindt & Sprüngli (L&S) Farming Program in Ghana carried out by KIT Royal Tropical Institute in 2019. Based on quantitative and qualitative methods, the evaluation covered a variety of topics in line with the program’s Theory of Change. To track change over […]
Evaluation of the Dutch RBC Agreements 2014-2020
Are voluntary multi-stakeholder approaches to responsible business conduct effective? This report presents the findings of the evaluation of sector-level agreements on Responsible Business Conduct (henceforth RBC agreements). The evaluation was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the context of its project ‘Putting Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) Measures in Perspective’ to evaluate and […]
Towards demand-driven services? The role of feedback mechanisms in agribusiness-based advisory services for smallholder farmers
Research article
In many developing countries, agribusinesses are highly engaged in providing services to smallholder farmers, including agricultural advisory services or extension. As private service providers depend on farmers’ choices, eliciting farmer feedback and learning from farmers’ demands are important. However, the phenomenon of agribusiness-based advisory services has received relatively little attention in the study of advisory […]
Small Producer Organization (SPO) Development, Strengthening and Resilience
Research on Small Producer Organization (SPO) development, strengthening and resilience was commissioned by Fairtrade International to the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in the Netherlands. The study is a qualitative-led mixed-method six country study (Côte d’Ivoire, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico and Peru). The objective of the research was to provide insights into processes of development and […]
Conceptualizing inclusiveness of smallholder value chain integration
The integration of male and female smallholders in high-end value chains (e.g. those for tree crops like cocoa, oil palm, avocado, and mango), has been promoted throughout the global South as a strategy for poverty alleviation, economic growth, employment generation, gender equality, and improved wellbeing. More critical literature, however, questions the inclusiveness of farmers’ value […]
Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct Agreements
The study was commissioned to the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in July 2017 by the Land Dialogue, with financial support from the Dutch Government. The objective is to provide insight and guidance into the relevance of land governance as a possible priority theme to be considered in the process of the International Responsible Business Conduct […]
Extension in Motion
Working Paper Series 2015 – 4 Agricultural extension has a significant role to play in rural development. Yet, ‘extension’ itself is also developing and so is its role in development. How extension is understood, coordinated, financed and implemented has evolved over time. While agricultural extension used to be almost exclusively publicly funded and implemented in […]
The governance of agricultural extension systems
Working Paper Series 2016 – 1 Can agricultural extension systems deliver quality services to smallholder producers, often in remote areas? Yes, there is evidence that this is achieved in some developing and emerging economies. But this is by no means a common practice, and many extension systems continue to struggle with weak performance. This is […]
- Year of publication
- 2016
Quality of content in agricultural extension
Working Paper Series 2016 – 2 Can agricultural extension systems deliver quality services to smallholder producers, often in remote areas? Yes, there is evidence that this is achieved in some developing and emerging economies. But this is by no means a common practice, and many extension systems continue to struggle with weak performance. This is […]
Harnessing ICT for agricultural extension
Working Paper Series 2016 – 4 Can agricultural extension systems deliver quality services to smallholder producers, often in remote areas? Yes, there is evidence that this is achieved in some developing and emerging economies. But this is by no means a common practice, and many extension systems continue to struggle with weak performance. This is […]
Incentives for enhanced performance of agricultural extension systems
Working Paper Series 2016 – 6 Can agricultural extension systems deliver quality services to smallholder producers, often in remote areas? Yes, there is evidence that this is achieved in some developing and emerging economies. But this is by no means a common practice, and many extension systems continue to struggle with weak performance. This is […]
Systems Analysis in AIS: potentials and pitfalls
Working Paper Series
Working Paper Series 2017 – 11 Agricultural innovation systems are complex, multi-layered, and can be difficult to define and analyse. In this paper, we provide examples of ‘systems analysis’: describing the context, what was done, and how the outcomes informed broader research and development activities. The five cases describe analyses of: i) agricultural systems in […]
Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct
International business is confronted with significant risks and impacts related to human rights, labour rights, environment and climate change. These impact on local communities, economies, environment and land use in “host” countries, but also affect Dutch companies and consumers. In order to address these risks and initiated by the Dutch Government, the Dutch Social-Economic Council […]
Aid & Trade in Dutch Development Cooperation
This report aims to take stock of the Dutch Aid and Trade agenda, with a particular focus on the time period of 2013-2017,to bring together existing insights on what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what needs more focus and attention.Based on a meta-analysis of policy documents and 16 recent external evaluations of Dutch Aid […]
New directions for inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems
Research article
A growing variety of public and private rural advisory services (Box 1) are available today, leading to increasingly “pluralistic service systems” (PSS), where advisory services are provided by different actors and funded from different sources (Wongtschowski et al., 2013). This is generally regarded as an important step forwards, away from reliance on monolithic, mostly state-led […]
Towards inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems
Research article
Rural agricultural advisory services to facilitate farmers’ access to information have made a remarkable comeback on the international development agenda. After years of neglect, much attention has recently been devoted to the emergence of pluralistic service systems (PSS), in which advisory services are provided by different actors and funded from different sources. Private companies, non-governmental […]
Other publications
- Schouten, G. and Bitzer, V. 2015. The emergence of Southern standards in agricultural value chains: A new trend in sustainability governance? Ecological Economics, 120, 175–184.
- Bitzer, V. and Bijman, J., 2015. From innovation to co-innovation? An exploration of three African agrifood chains. British Food Journal, 117(8), 2182-2199.
- Dentoni, D. and Bitzer, V., 2015. The Role(s) of Universities in Dealing with Global Wicked Problems through Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106, 68-78.
- Dentoni, D., Bitzer, V. and Pascucci, S., 2015. Cross-Sector Partnerships and the Co-Creation of Dynamic Capabilities for Stakeholder Orientation. Journal of Business Ethics, first online 26 June 2015.
- Bitzer, V. and Glasbergen, P., 2015. Business-NGO partnerships in global value chains: Part of the problem or part of the solution of sustainable change? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 12, 35-40.
- Bitzer, V. and Bijman, J., 2014. Old Oranges in New Boxes? Strategic Partnerships between Emerging Farmers and Agribusinesses in South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 40(1), 167-183.
- Bitzer, V., Glasbergen, P. and Arts, B., 2013. Exploring the potential of intersectoral partnerships to improve the position of farmers in global agrifood chains: findings from the coffee sector in Peru. Agriculture and Human Values, 30(1), 5-20.
- Bitzer, V., 2012. Partnering for change in chains. The capacity of partnerships to promote sustainable change in global agrifood chains. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 15, Special Issue B, 13-38.
- Bitzer, V., Glasbergen, P. and Leroy, P., 2012. Partnerships of a feather flock together? An analysis of the emergence of networks of partnerships in the global cocoa sector. Global Networks, 12(3), 335-374.
- Bijman, J. and Bitzer, V. (eds.), 2016. Quality and innovation in food chains. Lessons and insights from Africa. Wageningen Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.
- Bitzer, V., Hamann, R., Hall, M. and Griffin-EL, E.W. (eds.), 2015. The Business of Social and Environmental Innovation: New Frontiers in Africa. Springer, the Netherlands, and University of Cape Town Press.