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Teaching and learning methods

We use a wide variety of teaching and learning approaches to ensure an optimal learning experience.

he content of KIT course programmes are practice-based and oriented to the working situation of participants. We emphasise the practical application of the course content. As a participant, you will be asked to discuss and solve problems which are derived from real working situations, either from your won or those form the facilitators. Our approach is aimed at improving your skills to implement and evaluate different approaches to solve health problems. Our interactive learning approaches include lectures, discussions, group work, debates, case studies, exercises, role plays, self-study, self-reflection, written assignments, simulations and serious games.

Serious games

One of the teaching methods that is greatly appreciated by students is the use of ‘Serious Games’. Whether board games or online games, these are tools designed to build students’ problem-solving skills in a specific area. KIT uses games in its Master of Public Health and Master in International Health programs to help students absorb information or gain skills of allocating health resources.

We use serious games in our master programmes but also as a tool in our knowledge services.

Serious Games
  • Health Resource Allocation Game

    The Health Resource Allocation Game (HRAG) is a simulation board game that recreates a health planning exercise for a hypothetical province in a fictitious country.

  • Sichingo! A serious game for decision-making in fragile settings

    Transport yourself to Sichingo. It is a fragile place: a small district confronting a devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic. Here, as a member of the district’s HIV committee, you face difficult decisions – decisions that are inherently influenced by Sichingo’s fragility. How do you adapt to these circumstances, apply scientific evidence and deliver essential HIV/AIDS care?

  • Jeu du Champion du Monde de la Santé

    Le jeu “Champion du monde de la santé” teste les connaissances générales en matière de santé publique et internationale. Il a été développé dans le cadre des cours de formation du KIT pour sensibiliser et échanger des connaissances sur les questions de santé publique dans les pays en développement.

KIT Virtual Grounds

In our courses we make use of KIT Virtual Grounds, KIT’s Virtual community of professionals in health and international development. KIT’s e-learning courses are offered through KIT Virtual Grounds. For classroom based courses, course materials are offered digitally through this platform.

Accreditation and quality assurance

KIT’s Master programmes are given in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and are accredited the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO). In addition advanced courses are all accredited by TropEd, an international network of institutions for higher education in international health.

A list of images

Course Brochure 2025

Welcome to KIT Institute, where tradition meets innovation in global health education. Our new Master of Public Health and Health Equity programmes and short courses equip professionals to tackle health challenges and disparities. Join our vibrant community in Amsterdam and help advance health equity worldwide.

Interested? Find your ideal course in our brochure.

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