Eijkman Medal Award Ceremony
We are pleased to announce that the Eijkman Medal Award Ceremony will take place during ‘The Power of Knowledge’ event on Thursday 1st September from 13:15-14:00 CEST.
The Christiaan Eijkman medal is awarded to researchers who carry out innovative and critical research in the field of Global Health.
The medal honours the Dutch Nobel laureate Prof. Dr Christiaan Eijkman, one of the founders of modern nutrition and who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work in 1929.
Previously, only Dutch scientists were eligible for the Medal, but in recognition of the global nature of contemporary health research, the Eijkman Medal Fund has decided to award two medals this year: one to a Dutch scientist and one to a scientist of non-Dutch origin but with ties to a Dutch research institution.

To find out the winners and learn more about their pioneering work, you are invited to join the online award ceremony here.