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Articles overview

  • Integrating environmental and economic accounting at the farm level

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Where farm record-keeping exists to calculate farm-household income, it commonly considers only financial accounts. Awareness of resource degradation or improvement calls urgently for a better understanding of the interrelations between environmental and socio-economic aspects in decision-making. Integrating calculations on resources deterioration/restitution in the financial accounts will help to determine differentiated productivity and efficiency of farming […]

  • Resource pack on gender and HIV/AIDS

    • Institute
    • Publication

    The Operational Guide aims to be helpful to people working in the development sector, whether they find themselves in government, international development organisations, NGOs or community organisations. It specifically targets those working in the field of HIV/AIDS, but it also hopes to be of use to development programmers and practitioners in a more general sense

  • Facing the challenges of HIV/AIDS/STDs

    • Institute
    • Publication

    As the hiv/aids epidemic and sexually transmitted diseases (stds) continue to advance worldwide, we are learning ever more about how they affect individuals, households, families, communities, organizations and nations. The individual loss has been enormous, particularly in those countries and regions affected early on. aids is increasingly recognized in developing countries as a serious concern […]

  • Community driven development: toolkit for national stocktaking and review

    • Institute
    • Publication

    O objectivo geral para as actividades do triplo A (AAA: Analytical and Advisory Activities) é de reforçar e consolidar a capacidade das equipas nacionais (do Banco Mundial) e dos parceiros clientes para integração estratégica e sistémica da abordagem de CDD nos estratégias programas nacionais para a redução da pobreza. AAA esta ligado a demanda especifica […]

  • Farming systems approaches training manual

    • Institute
    • Publication
  • How to investigate the use of medicines by consumers

    • Institute
    • Publication

    In developing countries, medicines may account for 30–40% of health expenditure. Many of these payments are made by individuals purchasing medicines for selfmedication and only rarely on prescription. Understanding how and why consumers make the choices they do is the critical fi rst step to intervening to ensure that these precious resources are spent as […]

  • NIRP 20: Development of a culturally-sensitive psychiatric screening instrument for Ethiopian populations

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Recognising inter-cultural differences in the way people experience and express emotional problems and the difficulties that consequently may arise in properly diagnosing mental health problems, this study seeks to develop and validate a tool for screening psychiatric disorders in Ethiopian populations. The study was carried out in Ethiopia as well as among Ethiopian Jews in […]

  • Facilitating innovation for development

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Many major issues today – whether sustainable development, waste disposal, negotiations about resource use, rural conflict resolution, natural resource management, clean water supply, food distribution or others – have neither clear problem definitions nor readily available solutions. Each issue affects innumerable competing interest groups, who may or may not even recognize each other, much less […]

  • Técnicas e práticas para dar respostas localmente apropriadas ao HIV/AIDS

    • Institute
    • Publication

    No ano 2001, a UNAIDS deu início ao desenvolvimento de uma ‘caixa de ferramentas’ contendo um conjunto de técnicas e práticas para a capacitação na área de AIDS, em um esforço conjunto entre a Secretaria da UNAIDS, com os Grupos Temáticos das Nações Unidas em diferentes países e membros da Rede Técnica da UNAIDS para […]

  • Techniques et pratiques pour les réponses locales face au VIH/SIDA

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Fin 2001, l’ONUSIDA a initié, en consultation avec le Secrétariat de l’ONUSIDA, les Groupes Thématiques des Nations Unies dans différents pays et les responsables du Département Développement de Réseaux Techniques (TND) de l’ONUSIDA, le développement d’un Recueil de Techniques et Pratiques pour le renforcement des Compétences en matière de lutte contre le SIDA. Ce Recueil […]

  • Un guide pour la recherche agricole régie par la demande

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Au cours des dernières décennies, la recherche et la vulgarisation agricole en Afrique subsaharienne ont connu d’importantes réformes institutionnelles et organisationnelles. Les bailleurs de fonds et les Gouvernements nationaux étaient les principales forces de réorganisation et de restructuration.

  • A Guide to demand-driven agricultural research

    • Institute
    • Publication

    Agricultural research and extension in sub-Sahara Africa have been subject to repeated organisational and institutional reforms during the last few decades. Donors and central governments were the main drivers of reorganisation and re-structuring processes. Mostly “blueprints” based on “western” models were applied; although sometimes a perceived lack of impact was given as the rationale, the […]