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10. Reduced inequalities

Articles overview

  • Research for Change: Assessing Responses to the Needs of Survivors of Sexual Violence in Humanitarian Settings

    • Institute
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    Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) is one of the greatest protection, human rights and public health challenges that is present in all societies and is further exacerbated during humanitarian emergencies. In Yemen a nine-year-long conflict has prompted one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world. More than 23.4 million people are in need […]

  • Unique features of agricultural cooperatives in sub-Saharan Africa

    • Institute
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    Agricultural cooperatives and other farmer-owned organizations are widespread acrosssub-Saharan Africa. The scant available data suggests that every other rural village in Africa houses a cooperative organization of some sort. The literature suggests that when farm-households join these organizations, they derive benefits from mutual support—for weeding, harvesting, and other labor-intensive activities, but also financing funerals, weddings, […]

  • Education and Empowerment over Marriage: Key drivers of Child Marriage in Eastern and Western Provinces in Zambia, and how they can be addressed

    • Institute
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    Child marriage, defined as a legal or informal union between two people before one or both of them turn 18 years old, is a practice that is proportionately affects girls and is linked to several unfavourable health, developmental, familial and social outcomes (1). Eastern and Southern Africa are home to over 50 million child brides, […]

  • Finagle’s laws of information: lessons learnt evaluating a complex health intervention in Nigeria

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    Evaluations cannot support evidence-informed decision making if they do not provide the information needed by decision-makers. In this article, we reflect on our own difficulties evaluating the Geo Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3) approach, an intervention that provides high-resolution demographic and geographical information to support health service delivery. GRID3 was implemented in […]

  • The Cape Town Statement on fairness, equity and diversity in research

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    The benefits of scientific collaboration are too often skewed towards wealthier countries. Bioethicists and others present guidance on how stakeholders such as researchers can change this.

  • Effort and Social Comparison: Experimental Evidence from Uganda

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    Individual effort is key to generate income and escape from poverty. In small-scale societies in developing countries, where effort and resulting income are easily observable, social comparison can influence effort in both positive and negative ways. To study the effects of social comparison, we use a lab experiment in which participants conduct a real-effort task […]

  • Youth-led Advocacy in Mali

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    “Any action done without me is against me”. Modalities and conditions for the development of youth-led advocacy in Mali. An exploratory study on the modalities, success factors and constraints of youth-led advocacy. The meaningful involvement of young people in the development of programmes and policies that affect them is crucial for the success of programmes […]

  • ‘I Trust YouthWyze’

    • Institute
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    Learning from the implementation of the YouthWyze intervention in Malawi and Zambia YouthWyze is an intervention implemented under the Break Free! programme by SRHR Africa Trust (SAT). It aims to disseminate information and education around SRHR and establish linkages to SRH services for young people. This study areas included urban and rural areas as the […]

  • Gender Integration and Intersectionality in Food Systems Research for Development

    • Institute
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    This Guidance Note highlights key points for gender integration in the research for development (R4D) project cycle. It uses an intersectional lens to recognise how aspects of social identity such as age or life stage, class, caste, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation and so forth crosscut and shape gender and power. It provides an overall introduction, guide and set of signposts to help […]

  • Evaluation of the IDH Cocoa Origins Program

    • Institute
    • Project

    In 2010, the Dutch Government and cocoa and chocolate sector initially committed to reach 100% sustainable cocoa consumption in the Dutch market by 2025. The Dutch Initiative for Sustainable Cocoa expanded on these ambitions in 2020. The Cocoa Origins Program supported companies that use small and medium quantities of cocoa and supply the Dutch consumer market, […]

  • Advocacy for Safe Abortion: Gynaecologists and Obstetricians for Change

    • Institute
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    Synthesis of key findings across ten countries of the FIGO project on Advocating for Safe Abortion The aim of the synthesis report is to discuss the main achievements and key results across the ten project countries of the Advocating for Safe Abortion Project (ASAP) and to acquire an understanding of the enabling and impeding factors […]

  • Plaidoyer Pour L’Avortement Sécurise: Gynécologues-Obstétriciens Pour Le-Changement

    • Institute
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    Synthèse des constats clés recueillis dans dix pays du projet de plaidoyer pour l’avortement sécurisé mené par la FIGO L’objectif du présent rapport de synthèse est de discuter des principales réalisations et des résultats clés dans les dix pays du Projet de Plaidoyer pour l’Avortement Sécurisé (PPAS), et d’aider à mieux comprendre les facteurs favorables […]